Presentation - Social protection in sub-Saharan Africa

Will the green shoots blossom?

Social protection in sub-Saharan Africa: Will the green shoots blossom?

Social Protection in the form of conditional cash transfers, non-contributory social pension schemes or targeted workfare programs, have evolved in recent years in an increasing number of developing countries. Impact evaluations show that social protection generally produce good results—malnutrition decreases, especially among children, more children go to school and public health improved.  A new anthology ‘En tyst revolution – Hur kan sociala trygghetssystem bidra till att utrota fattigdomen?’ edited by the Nordic African Institute and the Church of Sweden analyses the political, economic and institutional factors that have underpinned the development of social protection systems in the global south. The anthology also examines the role of the civil society and international organizations in industrialized nations that, in partnership with governments and organizations in the south, can support the expansion and development of social protection in developing countries.
