Khoa Vu on the causal relationship between parental and children's educational attainment: Evidence from Vietnam

WIDER Seminar Series

Khoa Vu on the causal relationship between parental and children's educational attainment: Evidence from Vietnam

Wed, 29 May 2019

Khoa Vu will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 29 May 2019. 

Abstract – The causal relationship between parental and children's educational attainment: Evidence from Vietnam

Intergenerational mobility of education plays an important role in development economics because it is closely related to socioeconomic inequality and long-term economic growth. However, the causal link between parents and children's education in developing countries remains understudied. I study this important topic using multiple waves from the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey. To address genetical correlation as a potential confounder, I exploit the exogenous variation in parental exposure to bombing during the Vietnam war across cohorts and regions as instruments for parental education.

About the speaker

Khoa Vu is a PhD student in Applied Economics and a Trainee of the MPC Graduate Training Program in Population Studies at the University of Minnesota. He holds a MSc in Economics from Tufts University and a B.S. in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Minnesota. His current research focuses on educational and health policies in Vietnam and the US.

WIDER Seminar Series

The WIDER Seminar Series showcases recent and ongoing work on key topics in development economics. The weekly sessions held in Helsinki are open to local and visiting researchers, policy makers, and others interested in development topics. Click here to learn more.

Seminars will be live streamed on Facebook and recordings and presentations will be available after the event here.

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