Working Paper
Welfare and the depth of informality
This study explores the relationship between household poverty and depth of informality by proposing a new measure of informality at the household level. It is defined as the share of activities (hours worked or income earned) without social...
Better measures of informality can improve poverty reduction policy
Eva-Maria Egger
May 2021
In a recent study, my co-authors and I propose a new way to measure informality by household, rather than by individual worker. We find that such an...
Working Paper
Communication matters: sensitivity in fairness evaluations across wealth inequality expressions and levels
This paper seeks to understand whether the way in which inequality is communicated through measurements influences individuals’ fairness perceptions regarding wealth inequality. It begins from the premise that prominent measures of inequality, such...
Working Paper
What might explain today’s conflicting narratives on global inequality?
How unequal is the world today? Is global income inequality falling, as many economists claim, or is it rising, as one often hears? This paper reviews the arguments and evidence. A number of concerns about the underlying data are identified, with...
Working Paper
Occupational mobility in developing countries
This paper discusses current methods for measuring and analysing occupational mobility, and the way in which methods designed for the analysis of developing countries may need to be modified when applied in other contexts. The paper discusses...
Working Paper
Can ‘good’ social mobility news be ‘bad’ and vice versa?
Limited attention has been paid to how well social mobility measures debated and used to study industrial countries perform in analysis of low-income settings. Following brief, selective reviews of the axiomatic and econometric literatures, three...
Journal Article
Measures of state capacity
This study provides a systematic comparative analysis of seven common cross-national measures of state capacity by focusing on three measurement issues: convergent validity, interchangeability, and case-specifc disagreement. The author fnds that the...
Working Paper
Ethnic dominance and exclusion
It is widely accepted that the distribution of power between ethnic groups within a country plays a key role in major social, political, and economic outcomes. Researchers working on the topic have various measures of ethnic dominance and exclusion...
Working Paper
Assessment of institutional set-up of results measurement and reporting systems for non-sovereign operations in development finance institutions
Development finance institutions (DFIs) foster sustainable development through financing, advisory services, and technical assistance. They complement public investments in developing and underserved markets to unlock development opportunities and...
Journal Article
Does the depth of informality influence welfare in urban sub-Saharan Africa?
We explore the relationship between household welfare and informality, measuring household informality as the share of members’ activities (hours worked or income) without social insurance. We discretize these measures into four bins or portfolios...
World inequality
Theme: Inclusion
The purpose of this project is to advance data collection, measurement, and research regarding the development of inequality in the world. A major focus in this research area is the maintenance, updating, and development of the World Income...
Inequality - Measurement, trends, impacts, and policies
Fri, 5 September 2014
Sat, 6 September 2014
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event