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New estimates of the cost of ending poverty

Cart with collected items on the street. Photo by Gio Almonte on Unsplash
In a new UNU-WIDER paper, which provides background for this year’s OECD Development Cooperation Report, we take a closer look at the end of poverty, what it really means, what it would cost, and how a new approach can improve the tailoring of development cooperation to different contexts.To end extreme poverty and absolute monetary poverty worldwide by 2030, it would cost about $70 and $325 billion per year. This may sound like a lot but is only 0.1% and 0.6% of the gross national income (GNI)...

How to get back on track to ending poverty – the imperative for a livable planet

by Luis Felipe López-Calva
We are off track to end poverty. Despite remarkable progress over the past few decades, the goal of eradicating poverty remains elusive, and SDG1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere is out of reach. While more than a billion people have been lifted out of poverty, the pace has significantly slowed. If we persist with business-as-usual, by 2030 around 7% of the world’s population will still live in extreme poverty—more than double our target of 3%.Unsurprisingly, this challenge is...

Just transitions and the importance of social protection reforms for ambitious climate action

by Christina Dankmeyer, Katrin Gasior, Gemma Wright
As greenhouse gases once again climb to record levels, countries are under pressure to make the move to a low-carbon economy. Policies that move in this direction are needed to mitigate against the worst impacts of climate change, but policy choices will have winners and losers. As it is crucial to consider the effects of climate change mitigation policies on various population groups, we explore two policy options —carbon pricing and removal of fossil fuel subsidies. In our latest...

1187 Blogpost

Why clientelistic politics matter for development prospects

Dr Miguel Niño-Zarazúa explores the complex effects of clientelism on economic development, state capacity, and governance, emphasising the need for...

New estimates of the cost of ending poverty: What does it mean and how much would it cost?

In a new UNU-WIDER paper, which provides background for this year’s OECD Development Cooperation Report, we take a closer look at the end of poverty...

Bolstering the skills of young people – the key to South Africa's economic growth

As a young data developer responsible for mining and analysing the administrative tax data provided to researchers through the SA-TIED programme, I am...

Are knowledge monopolies driving global inequality?

In a new release for the UNU-WIDER and Cambridge University Press Elements in Development Economics series, I look at global capitalist economic...

From UNU-WIDER to the world: Journeys in development economics

‘What makes UNU-WIDER a unique place for researchers is the sense of community and the combination of academic rigour, policy relevance, and position...

Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of South Africa’s electricity crisis

In South Africa, the power grid undergoes rotational, scheduled outages—or rolling blackouts—most commonly referred to as load shedding. Load shedding...

Mapping economic stability for countries in the Global South

In 2024, central banks worldwide are confronted with the challenges of juggling inflation control, economic growth, and the preservation of financial...

How to get back on track to ending poverty – the imperative for a livable planet

We are off track to end poverty. Despite remarkable progress over the past few decades, the goal of eradicating poverty remains elusive, and SDG1: End...

É preciso abrir os olhos, acordar e realizar: Dois poemas de Neide Sigaúque

Aqui não dá para dormir, quanto mais para sonharSou a Neide Sigaúque,mulher,oriunda do leito Austral do terceiro mundo,Moçambique, terra de boa gente...

Two poems by Neide Sigaúque

On 15 May, poet Neide Sigaúque was commissioned to perform two poems on the themes of the WIDER Development Conference The world at crossroads –...

Just transitions and the importance of social protection reforms for ambitious climate action

As greenhouse gases once again climb to record levels, countries are under pressure to make the move to a low-carbon economy. Policies that move in...

Counting (on) the labour market to secure a just transition

The climate stabilization imperative emerging from the Paris Agreement is, in so many ways, absolutely critical to securing the planet’s future for...

Quantifying the economic impact of conflict traps

As we look towards securing a brighter future for coming generations, we must address the complex challenges that threaten sustainable development and...

What are foresight methods and how can they secure our common futures?

Future tools and foresight thinking are crucial instruments to improve decision-making for a common future. As a Youth Foresight Fellow with UNICEF, I...

Uganda’s tax system isn’t bringing in enough revenue, but is targeting small business the answer?

Uganda, with a fiscal deficit of 5.6% in 2023, has increasingly turned to local resources to make up for its revenue shortfall since the World Bank...

Securing a future for the next generations – navigating today’s global challenges

In an era frequently described as ‘unprecedented’, the global landscape often seems daunting. Countries classified as democracies are increasingly...

Displaying 16 of 1187 results