Development economics PhD workshop

14 November, 2022

Development economics PhD workshop

Mon, 14 November 2022

UNU-WIDER, in collaboration with Helsinki GSE and IIES Stockholm, organizes a development economics PhD workshop at UNU-WIDER on 14 November 2022.

Under its Visiting PhD Fellowship programme, UNU-WIDER together with Helsinki GSE and IIES Stockholm, organizes a workshop on development economics research for PhD candidates. 

The workshop provides a forum for PhD candidates to share and discuss their development economics research as well as receive feedback from senior researchers and faculty members.

The following UNU-WIDER Visiting Research Fellow papers will be presented:

Elie Lunanga
Who connects to the grid? Exploring electricity demand in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Cecilia Nardi
Climate, food security and conflict in Sahel: An empirical analysis 
Shakeba Foster
Income inequality & household debt: Examining the impact of relative income on formal and informal debt in South Africa