Eva-Maria Egger presents IGM research at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland online seminar

Eva-Maria Egger presents IGM research at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland online seminar

Tue, 1 March 2022

On 1 March 2022, Eva-Maria Egger, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow and Resident Advisor of the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme based at the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique, shared recent research produced under the IGM programme at a Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland seminar.

The event was organized online by the Embassy of Finland in Mozambique and the Mozambique desk of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Various topics related to the portfolio of Finland in Mozambique were discussed during this internal seminar.

Eva-Maria Egger focused her contribution on the poverty and inequality-related evidence produced under the IGM programme. Referring to recent UNU-WIDER studies — such as Evolution of multidimensional poverty in crisis-ridden MozambiqueThe impact of COVID-19 on consumption poverty in Mozambique, and Horizontal and intersecting inequalities in Mozambique 1997–2017 — as well as various studies stemming from the Economic Development and Institutions – Mozambique at a fork in the road: an institutional diagnostic draft report, the researcher highlighted the tendency of growing inequalities in Mozambique and the role of institutions in the economic development of the country.