Growth 2.0: The good jobs challenge in developing countries

NIRDPR webinar

Growth 2.0: The good jobs challenge in developing countries

Thu, 18 November 2021

On 18 November Kunal Sen joins the 4th webinar of the evidence-based policy and action roundtable series by NIRDPR. 

The National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj hosts the event online with Kunal Sen presenting Growth 2.0: the good jobs challenge in developing countries

Developing countries face a variety of challenges in achieving SDG 8 - to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Estimates from the World Bank suggest that two-thirds of all jobs in developing countries are at risk of automation; meanwhile the ILO has calculated that 344 million jobs need to be created by 2030 to address unemployment. At the same time, around 80 per cent of the workforce in Africa and South Asia are in precarious and poorly paid employment in the informal sector.

Can automation and new technologies help to create these much-needed jobs, or could it lead to greater inequality, leaving behind the most disadvantaged? What are the prospects of good jobs for millions of workers in the informal sectors of the Global South?

In this lecture, Kunal Sen will present new evidence and discuss policy options on the challenges of creating good jobs in developing countries, drawing from UNU-WIDER projects, Transforming informal work and livelihoods and The changing nature of work and inequality.

This event takes place from 14:15-16:00 India Standard Time (ICT+5:30)

To join register here.