Inclusive development in Myanmar

2nd KoBo Toolbox training

Inclusive development in Myanmar: 2nd KoBo Toolbox training

Thu, 21 March 2019Sat, 23 March 2019

As part of the project Towards Inclusive Development in Myanmar, a comprehensive Kobo Toolbox training was delivered for 25 staff members of the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of the Ministry of Planning and Finance of Myanmar. This was a continuation of the KoBo Toolbox training delivered in November 2018.

On 21-23 March 2019, 25 staff members from the head office and regional offices of the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of the Ministry of Planning and Finance of Myanmar attended a three-day-long training on the use of the KoBo Toolbox software. The programme included a practical introduction to the use of the software and applied exercises for piloting its use. The software is a data collection tool that can be used for computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI).

The aim of the training was to strengthen the participants capacity to use the software when conducting the second wave of the Myanmar Enterprise Monitoring System (MEMS) quantitative survey in 2019. More precisely, the programme included introducing the main software functions and familiarizing the participants with the MEMS 2019 questionnaires. During the last day of training, the participants were pilot testing the relevant questionnaires with enterprise owners and employees. This pilot took place in a township called Pyinmana, which is near Nay Pyi Taw.

This training is to be followed by a third training to strengthen further CSO staff capacity to use KoBo Toolbox for designing and implementing surveys without external assistance. The additional training will take place on 8-10 April 2019.