Original data collection in Global South countries


Original data collection in Global South countries

A three-day workshop dedicated to data collection in Global South countries for UNU-WIDER researchers is held 35 June 2024. This event explores the methodologies, challenges, and ethics of field research in complex environments.

Tentative schedule

3 June, 15:00–17:00: Multi-method fieldwork and research design

Explore integrated approaches combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques.

4 June, 9:00–12:00: Surveying hard to reach populations and running field experiments: access and measurement challenges

Discuss strategies for engaging with and measuring data from populations that are typically difficult to access.

5 June, 9:00–11:00: Logistics, project management, and ethics of working with vulnerable populations

Learn about managing field projects effectively while addressing ethical concerns in vulnerable communities.

Alexandra Hartmann also presents 'Empowerment on the move? An experiment in supporting forcibly displaced people in Greece' at the WIDER Seminar Series on 4 June 2024.

This workshop is designed for researchers at UNU-WIDER who are involved in or interested in field research in Global South countries. The sessions will provide practical insights and theoretical knowledge essential for navigating the complexities of fieldwork in these regions.