Patricia Justino at What Works Global Summit 2020

Patricia Justino at What Works Global Summit 2020

Fri, 30 October 2020

On October 30, 2020, UNU-WIDER's Senior Research Fellow Patricia Justino will be taking part in a panel discussion at What Works Global Summit 2020

The topic of the panel is "In fragile situations, which interventions strengthen intergroup social cohesion?", and it will include a presentation by Professor Justino related to her work in the Inequality and governance in unstable democracies – the mediating role of trust project. 

Panel description:

Policymakers and programmers have developed a range of interventions that seek to promote sustainable peace in fragile contexts by fostering intergroup social cohesion. A new mixed-methods systematic review examined the evidence to understand which strategies are effective for which populations in which contexts. A discussion panel hosted by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) will present the key findings and implications for policy and programmes.


  • Ada Sonnenfeld - 3ie, UK
  • Patricia Justino - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), Finland
  • Tog Gang - Search for Common Ground, USA
  • Alexander Corlath - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germany

The What Works Global Summit (WWGS) brings together experts, researchers and policymakers interested in evidence-based decisionmaking. WWGS 2020 is a free online event, open to all.  

Find out more and register in the panel discussion here