SA-TIED Dialogues —Research into Policy

International trade and global value chains

SA-TIED policy dialogue — International trade and global value chains

Fri, 28 May 2021

On 28 May 2021, the SA-TIED programme will host its third online policy dialogue as part of its SA-TIED Dialogues – Research into Policy series.

This policy dialogue will be hosted under the work stream on Enterprise development for job creation and growth and will discuss the impact of globalization and the fragmentation of production networks on South African manufacturing firms.

Research produced under SA-TIED on international trade and global value chains reveals the need for policymakers to focus on the domestic input-supply sector – paying close attention to production upgrading and investment in research and skills. This is particularly important in sectors where South Africa still has a competitive edge. At the same time there is a need for policies that help relieve constraints that firms face in entering export markets.

In this policy dialogue the range of topics may include:

  • The exposure to cheap imports, especially from China, and their impact on industrial development, competition, and value chains in South Africa.
  • The extent to which South African firms integrate into global value chains and implications for investments and skills. Contrary to firms in the developed world, rather than offshoring, South African firms import intermediates which increase low-skilled employment.
  • The difference between firms within and across sectoral value chains, and their ability to absorb changes in exchange rate.
About the policy dialogue

The policy dialogue will begin with a synthesis of research findings produced under the work stream on Enterprise development for job creation and growth by Professor John Rand, University of Copenhagen.

Following the synthesis presentation, speakers will dive into the main topics listed above. The discussion will be moderated by Mashudu Masutha, media liaison for South Africa’s Minister of Finance.


Antonio Andreoni, University College London

Antonio Andreoni is an Associate Professor of Industrial Economics at the University College London (UCL), and Head of Research of the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose. He is also Visiting Associate Professor in the Fourth Industrial Revolution at SARCHi Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg. Antonio has researched and published extensively on production, technological change, and innovation dynamics; structural change, global value chains and industrial development; financialization and corruption; governance and political economy of industrial policy. He is also an Editor of The European Journal of Development Research. Antonio served as senior consultant for several organizations including UNIDO, UNCTAD, ILO, UNDP, UN ECA, UN DESA, UNU-WIDER, World Bank, DFID, OECD and several national government institutions, including the South African Dti and the UK Government Office for Science. Antonio holds a PhD from Cambridge University and is a Life Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge.

Tanya van Meelis, DTIC

Tanya van Meelis has a background working on industrial policy and development issues in the trade union movement and the financial sector. She holds a master’s degree in industrial Sociology from the University of the Witwatersrand, and a Post Graduate Diploma on Economics (master’s equivalent) from the University of London.

She joined the government when the Economic Development Department was established,and is currently Acting DDG of the Competition Policy and Economic Policy branch of the DTIC. She also serves as a part-time Commissioner on ITAC.

To access more research produced under the work stream on Enterprise development for job creation and growth, click here