Tony Addison and Alan Roe at 1st UN Roundtable on Extractives

Extractive Industries as an Engine for Sustainable Development: The Case of Africa

Tony Addison and Alan Roe at 1st UN Roundtable on Extractives

Fri, 30 October 2020

On 30 October, 2020, Tony Addison and Alan Roe, both Non-Resident Senior Research Fellows at UNU-WIDER, will be presenting at a high-level United Nations Roundtable titled "Extractive Industries as an Engine for Sustainable Development: The Case of Africa". 

The Roundtable is convenved by the UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and hosted by the Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA). It will focus on the African region, and bring together Ministers and leading experts from the region, including from academia, think tanks, international organizations, civil society and the private sector.

This Roundtable will be the first in a series of five regional Roundtables hosted by the Regional Economic Commissions. The Secretary-General will convene a sixth roundtable, drawing on the outcomes of the five regional roundtables, which will provide a global perspective and deliver tangible solutions going forward. Each regional roundtable will include as the participants Ministers of government, experts from academia and think tanks, representatives from international organizations, the private sector, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders from the respective region.