Vincenzo Salvucci presents at the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique 2019 seminar series

Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: Assessment of the Short-Term Impact of the 2015 Floods on Consumption and Poverty in Mozambique

Vincenzo Salvucci presents at the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique 2019 seminar series

Vincenzo Salvucci, a researcher from the University of Copenhagen, will present a seminar on 13 March 2019 at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo. The seminar is titled Vulnerabilidade às Calamidades Naturais: Avaliação do Impacto a Curto Prazo da Cheia de 2015 sobre Consumo e Pobreza em Moçambique (Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: Assessment of the Short-Term Impact of the 2015 Floods on Consumption and Poverty in Mozambique). The presentation will be in Portuguese.

This event is part of the seminar series, organized by the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme. The seminar series will run throughout the year, and it aims to build research capacity among Mozambican research partners. The seminars are public events open to everyone.