Matias Busso presents evidence from Mexico on peer effects and academic achievement

WIDER Seminar Series

WIDER Seminar Series - Matias Busso on peer effects and academic achievement: Experimental evidence from ability grouping in Mexico

Wed, 25 July 2018

On 25 July, Matias Busso Lead Economist at Inter-American Development Bank will be presenting experimental evidence on the impact of peers to individuals' academic achiements.

*Please note that this event will be held at a different location to previous events. This event will take place at the Scandic Grand Marina Hotel, in meeting room Compass, on the left when you enter*

Abstract - Peer effects and academic achievement: Experimental evidence from ability grouping in Mexico

There is abundant evidence that having high-achieving peers generate positive gains on individual performance. We know little, however, about the mechanisms that operate when interacting with others. We implement a randomized experiment in 171 schools in Mexico that allows us to isolate the effect of changes in the mean and variance of peers on students' academic performance and behavior.

We find that tracking and mixing (i.e., bimodal groups) generate similar average gains (0.07-0.08SD) without hurting low-achieving students. Both concerns about the relative ranking as well as peer support seem to play a role in explaining peer effects.