Journal Special Issue
Bioenergy in Southern Africa

This journal special issue revisits questions surrounding biofuel futures in Southern Africa and explores the case for the establishment of a regional market.

The analysis in this issue suggests that while benefits exist, the key challenges that have stifled production and consumption to date would need to be overcome.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Bioenergy in Southern Africa: An opportunity for regional integration?
    Channing Arndt, Giles Henley, Faaiqa Hartley
  2. 2. Biofuels technology development in Southern Africa
    William Stafford, Adrian Lotter, Graham von Maltitz, Alan Brent
    More Working Paper | Biofuels technology
  3. 3. Institutional arrangements of outgrower sugarcane production in Southern Africa
    Graham von Maltitz, Giles Henley, Mike Ogg, Paul C. Samboko, Alexandros Gasparatos, Matt Read, Francois Engelbrecht, Abubakari Ahmed
    More Working Paper | A review of social issues for biofuels investment in Mozambique
  4. 4. Constraints to biofuel feedstock production expansion in Zambia
    Paul C. Samboko, Mulako Kabisa, Giles Henley
    More Working Paper | Constraints to biofuel feedstock production expansion in Zambia
  5. 5. Economy-wide implications of biofuel production in Zambia
    Faaiqa Hartley
    More Working Paper | Economy-wide implications of biofuel production in Zambia
  6. 6. Economic impacts of developing a biofuel industry in Mozambique
    Faaiqa Hartley, Dirk van Seventer, Emílio Tostão, Channing Arndt
    More Working Paper | Economic impacts of developing a biofuel industry in Mozambique
  7. 7. Policy and trade issues for a future regional biofuels market in Southern Africa
    Giles Henley, Taku Fundira
    More Working Paper | Biofuels in Southern Africa
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