Health Inequality and Development

Across the world, while income inequality among countries is declining, there is clear evidence that health related inequities are on the increase. Health is a key component of an individual’s well being, having both intrinsic and instrumental value. It is therefore imperative to understand why inequalities in health are increasing while other indicators are showing a reduction or remaining stable. This book brings together new research on health inequality and deprivation with a particular focus on developing countries. Written by leading experts, the contributions empirically investigate a variety of topics, including issues related to health inequality among countries, determinants of health inequality within countries, gender related issues with respect to health within household. This book is essential reading for all interested in development economics and health economics.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Health Inequality and Development: Achieving Better Health in Developing Countries
    Mark McGillivray, Indranil Dutta, David Lawson
  2. 2. Measurement and Explanation of Inequality in Health and Healthcare in Low-Income Settings
    Eddy van Doorslaer, Owen O'Donnell
    More Working Paper | Measurement and Explanation of Inequality in Health and Health Care in Low-Income Settings
  3. 3. Global Inequality in Health: Disparities in Human Longevity among Countries
    Mark McGillivray
  4. 4. Determinants of Child Weight and Height in Sri Lanka: A Quantile Regression Approach
    Harsha Aturupane, Anil B. Deolalikar, Dileni Gunewardena
    More Working Paper | The Determinants of Child Weight and Height in Sri Lanka
  5. 5. Environmental Determinants of Child Mortality in Kenya
    Clive J. Mutunga
    More Working Paper | Environmental Determinants of Child Mortality in Kenya
  6. 6. How Growth and Related Instabilities Lower Child Survival
    Patrick Guillaumont, Catherine Korachais, Julie Subervie
    More Working Paper | How Macroeconomic Instability Lowers Child Survival
  7. 7. Intra-Household Arrangements and Adult Health Satisfaction: Evidence from Mexico
    Mariano Rojas
    More Working Paper | Intra-Household Arrangements and Health Satisfaction
  8. 8. Individual and Collective Resources and Women's Health in Morocco
    Marie-Claude Martin
    More Working Paper | Individual and Collective Resources and Health in Morocco
  9. 9. Health and Female Labour Market Participation: The Case of Uganda
    Sarah Bridges, David Lawson
    More Working Paper | Health and Labour Market Participation in Uganda
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