Macroeconomic Policy in the Franc Zone

The fourteen members of the African CFA Franc Zone represent the largest monetary unions in the southern hemisphere, predating the European Monetary Union by decades. With monetary unions planned for other parts of Africa in the near future, this book focuses on some of the key challenges facing the Franc Zone today. Such as: How does a single currency area meet the needs of such a wide range of countries facing very different economic conditions? How close is the Franc Zone to being an 'Optimum Currency Area'? How well do the institutions of the Franc Zone manage monetary policy in the area? Have they been able to adapt the best practice of OECD central banks to African conditions? How do the policies of the Franc Zone impact on the poorest and most disadvantaged communities in the region?

Table of contents
  1. 1. Introduction
    David Fielding
  2. Part I: Convergence in the Franc Zone and Optimum Currency Area Theory
    2. Analysis of the Convergence Process in the UEMOA Zone
    Lambert N’galadjo Bamba
    More Working Paper | Analyse du Processus de Convergence Dans la Zone UEMOA
  3. Part I: Convergence in the Franc Zone and Optimum Currency Area Theory
    3. The Characteristics of Macroeconomic Shocks in the Franc Zone
    David Fielding, Kevin Lee, Kalvinder Shields
    More Working Paper | The Characteristics of Macroeconomic Shocks in the CFA Franc Zone
  4. Part I: Convergence in the Franc Zone and Optimum Currency Area Theory
    4. Variance Decomposition of Macroeconomic Shocks in the Franc Zone and other Sub-Saharan African Countries
    Simeon Coleman
    More Working Paper | An Aggregate View of Macroeconomic Shocks in Sub-Saharan Africa
  5. Part II: The Positive and Normative Analysis of Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy
    5. Monetary Policy in the Franc Zone: Country-Level Credit Policy
    Anja Shortland, David Stasavage
    More Working Paper | Monetary Policy in the CFA Zone
  6. Part II: The Positive and Normative Analysis of Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy
    6. Estimating an Interest Rate Reaction Function for the BCEAO
    Anja Shortland, David Stasavage
    More Working Paper | Monetary Policy in the Franc Zone
  7. Part III: The Franc Zone and Poverty
    7. Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation
    Jean-Paul Azam
    More Working Paper | Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation
  8. Part III: The Franc Zone and Poverty
    8. Economic Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty: Time-Series and Cross-Country Evidence from the Franc Zone Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa
    Michael F. Bleaney, Akira Nishiyama
    More Working Paper | Economic Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty
  9. Part III: The Franc Zone and Poverty
    9. How Does Monetary Policy Affect the Poor?: Evidence from the West African Economic and Monetary Union
    David Fielding
    More Working Paper | How Does Monetary Policy Affect the Poor?
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