Journal Special Issue
Prospects for Renewable Energy in Africa

This special section contains a series of five articles focused on energy and climate change in sub-Saharan Africa. It is well known that energy demand in sub-Saharan Africa is increasing rapidly and that many countries struggle to meet demand. Failure to meet energy demand reduces living standards today and constitutes a substantial brake on economic growth, with implications for future living standards 

Over the coming decades, African nations will invest hundreds of billions of dollars in power generation systems. The nature and scope of those investments remain to be determined. The needs are pressing, and the environment is complex. The articles in this special section point to both opportunities and challenges in exploiting sub-Saharan Africa’s considerable renewable energy potential in order to achieve desired development outcomes and power systems that are reliable, affordable, low carbon and climate resilient.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Special section of Applied Energy: Energy and climate change in sub-Saharan Africa
    Channing Arndt, Douglas Arent
  2. 2. The impact of climate change on wind and solar resources in southern Africa
    Charles Fant, Adam Schlosser, Kenneth Strzepek
    More Working Paper | The Impact of Climate Change on Wind and Solar Resources in Southern Africa
  3. 3. Characterizing wind power resource reliability in southern Africa
    Charles Fant, Bhaskar Gunturu, Adam Schlosser
    More Working Paper | Characterizing Wind Power Resource Reliability in Southern Africa
  4. 4. Optimized reservoir operation model of regional wind and hydro power integration case study: Zambezi basin and South Africa
    Yohannes Gebretsadik, Charles Fant, Kenneth Strzepek, Channing Arndt
    More Working Paper | Optimized Reservoir Operation Model of Regional Wind and Hydro Power Integration
  5. 5. Prospects for grid-connected solar PV in Kenya: A systems approach
    Amy Rose, Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, Robert J. Stoner
    More Working Paper | Prospects for Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic in Kenya
  6. 6. A sequential approach to integrated energy modeling in South Africa
    Channing Arndt, Rob Davies, Sherwin Gabriel, Konstantin Makrelov, Bruno Merven, Faaiqa Hartley, James Thurlow
    More Working Paper | An Integrated Approach to Modelling Energy Policy in South Africa
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