Journal Special Issue
Symposium on Spatial Inequality in Latin America

Many developing and transition countries have considerable regional variation in average household income, poverty, and in health and educational status. National human development indicators can therefore mislead policy-makers when large regional disparities exist. This project will investigate the size and determinants of regional disparities in a representative selection of countries. It will use indicators such as poverty incidence and depth, within-region income inequality, human development, and gender indicators to better understand why some regions fall behind in the development process.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Income, Wealth, and Socialization in Argentina
    Daniel Lederman
  2. 2. Estimando la Demanda Residencial por Electricidad en Chile: El Consumo es Sensible al Precio
    José Miguel Benavente, Alexander Galetovic, Ricardo Sanhueza, Pablo Serra
  3. 3. Efectos Dinámicos de la Política Fiscal
    Rodrigo A. Cerda, Hermann González, Luis Felipe Lagos
  4. 4. El Tramo Corto de la Estructura a Plazo como Predictor de Expectativas de la Actividad Económica en Colombia
    Luis Eduardo Arango, Luz Adriana Flórez, Angélica M. Arosemena
  5. 5. The Behavior of Interest Rate Differentials under Shifting Exchange Rate Regimes: The Experience of Chile, Colombia and Israel
    Carlos A. Ibarra
  6. 6. Symposium on Spatial Inequality in Latin America
    Ravi Kanbur, Luis Felipe López-Calva, Anthony J. Venables
  7. 7. Measuring the Impact of Asset Complementarities: The Case of Rural Peru
    Javier Escobal, Maximo Torero
  8. 8. Income, Mortality, and Literacy Distribution Dynamics Across States in Mexico: 1940-2000
    Rodrigo García-Verdú
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