Working Paper
A Holistic Perception of Foreign Financing of Developing Countries' Private Sectors
The paper presents a comprehensive survey of the ‘shopping list’ of sources of external finance that are directly channeled to the business sector of developing countries. Generally, our analytical survey covers the 1970-2000 period, and includes the...
Domestic Resource Mobilization and Financial Development: Looking at the MDGs from a Different Angle?
George Mavrotas
January 2009
George Mavrotas While recent years have witnessed new interest in the finance–growth nexus, the relationship between domestic resource mobilization...
Working Paper
Asset Portfolios in Africa
This paper considers asset holdings in rural Ethiopia. It shows that households own mostly non-financial assets and that the composition of asset portfolios varies significantly with the household’s overall wealth and its exposure to uncertainty. As...
Working Paper
Inconsistency in Savings Pattern
Traditionally, the difference between income and expenditure reported in household surveys is used for estimation of savings at the household level. However, persistent deviation in consumption–income ratios by household income brackets raises...
Working Paper
It Works; It Doesn't; It Can, But that Depends...
This paper surveys 50 years of empirical research on the macroeconomic impact of aid, looking mainly at studies examining the link between aid and growth. It argues that studies dating until the late 1990s produced either contradictory or...
Working Paper
Financial Sector Development, Savings Mobilization and Poverty Reduction in Ghana
The paper primarily investigates the interrelationship between financial sector development and poverty reduction in Ghana. This is done using time-series data from the World Development Indicators from 1970-2001. The main findings are, first, that...
Working Paper
A Global Lottery and a Global Premium Bond
The world lottery market now amounts to at least US$126 billion in sales. World market sales for all gaming products (public, charitable and commercial) total some US$1 trillion, of which Internet gambling accounts for US$32 billion. This paper...
Working Paper
Financial Reform and the Mobilization of Domestic Savings
Using a vector error-correction model, I explore the short-run dynamics and long-run linkages between financial reform and the mobilization of domestic saving in Morocco. In the short run, financial depth (volume of intermediation) is shown to have a...
Working Paper
Savings By and For the Poor
The poor can and do save, but often use formal or informal instruments that have high risk, high cost, and limited functionality. This could lead to undersaving compared to a world without market or behavioural frictions. Undersaving can have...
Journal Article
Is Economic Volatility Detrimental to Global Sustainability?
In a dynamic panel data model allowing for error cross-section dependence, output volatility is found to impede sustainable development. Through a financial development channel (liquidity liability ratio), output volatility exerts a significant...
Working Paper
The Banking System and Monetary Aggregates Following Financial Sector Reforms
This paper discusses the process, problems and impacts of the financial sector reform in Indonesia, particularly since the late 1980s. The reform has encouraged a surge in private sector capital inflows to supplement the already high domestic savings...
Working Paper
Gap Disequilibria
Four "gaps" or restrictions on capacity growth -- from available saving and foreign exchange, investment demand (with crowding-in of private by public capital formation), and ex ante discrepancies between inflation rates needed on the one hand to...
Policy Brief
Vulnerability in Developing Countries
The first Millennium Development Goal aims to halve the number of people in the world living in extreme poverty. In this Research Brief, emanating from the UNU-WIDER project on ‘Fragility and Development’, the premise is that we should also be...
Working Paper
Capital markets in sub-Saharan Africa
Capital markets facilitate capital growth by mobilizing savings and converting them into investments, and they are therefore a stimulant of economic growth. There is evidence that countries with high savings rates tend to grow faster. Although most...