Working Paper
Who trusts?
In the developing world, clientelism is common. In Africa, public office is often used to redistribute resources to ethnically defined constituencies, and this form of clientelistic exchange is a key determinant of vote choice. Does clientelistic...
Experimental and non-experimental methods to study government performance: contributions and limits
Theme: 2012-13
In recent years, field experiments using randomized trials have gained increasing popularity in the field of development economics. In particular, scholars have argued strongly for their use as the best means of identifying ‘what works’ in foreign...
Working Paper
Donor-supported approaches to improving extractives governance
Donor interest in the extractives sector is based upon the premise that it represents an opportunity to improve a country’s development prospects. However, in many cases the presence of extractive resources is associated with poor economic...
In the media
UNU-WIDER findings on the influence of female elected officials on economic performance continues to make headlines
Reporting on UNU-WIDER research published in the working paper ‘Women legislators and economic performance’, news outlets The Times of India, The Quint, The Diplomat, and more, have published articles discussing the impact of women’s participation in...
Working Paper
Poverty, changing political regimes, and social cash transfers in Zimbabwe, 1980–2016
Since 2000, Zimbabwe has been under some pressure to provide more fully for its children. It is not clear whether child poverty has worsened, although AIDS, drought, and economic mismanagement have all compromised poverty reduction. In any case...
Joshua Magero Otieno on ethnicity, politics and wellbeing in Kenya
Joshua Magero Otieno will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 20 November. Abstract – Ethnicity, politics and wellbeing in Kenya Perceived or real welfare imbalances fundamentally impacts individuals’ civic participation, inclusivity, national...
Wed, 20 November 2019
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Working Paper
Kuznets’ tension in India
Developing countries face a trade-off between the twin objectives of structural transformation and inclusive growth. This is the ‘developer’s dilemma’. This study analyses the dilemma as it manifested itself in the Indian context, and identifies two...
Journal Article
Formalizing clientelism in Kenya
Why does clientelism persist? What determines how politicians signal responsiveness to voters and exert effort towards fulfilling campaign promises? This article explores how state capacity, legislative institutional strength, and established ideas...
Working Paper
Good for now but not forever: officials’ perspectives on the relevance of the effectiveness agenda and the need for change
This paper investigates whether the current effectiveness agenda—agreed during the 2011 Busan High Level Forum on Development Effectiveness—continues to define best practice in development amidst a rapidly changing development landscape. To do so, we...
Working Paper
The loser’s long curse: electoral consequences of a class conflict
This paper presents evidence of political legacies of exposure to a violent class conflict over 100 years. We revisit the Finnish Civil War of 1918 and first trace out the impact of local conflict exposure on electoral outcomes over a quarter-century...
Working Paper
Forced migration, aid effectiveness, and the humanitarian–development nexus
Bridging the gap between humanitarian assistance and development cooperation has been a contentious issue in academia and development practice for decades. Drawing on an evaluation of Germany’s ‘Partnership for Prospects’ initiative, this paper...
Working Paper
Clientelism and governance
Unlike much of the growing literature on political clientelism, this short paper contains mainly the author’s general reflections on the broad issues of governance (or mis-governance including corruption), democracy, and state capacity that...
Working Paper
The politics of affirmative action: ethnicity, equity, and state-business relations in Malaysia
Malaysia provides for interesting paradoxes. Poverty was reduced by adopting a horizontal perspective to policy planning through affirmative action targeting one ethnic group lagging economically in society. However, outcomes of affirmative action...