Working Paper
What are the drivers of tax capacity in sub-Saharan Africa?
There is limited research on the underlying institutional framework of tax policy and capacity: how tax collection efficiency changes over time and the importance of institutional factors in this process.This paper fills this gap by devising a...
Working Paper
What works to mitigate and reduce relative (and absolute) inequality?
Over the past two decades, research on the impacts of a diverse range of public policies and income inequality has seen rapid growth. Despite the large number of publications to date, there remain important lacunae in our understanding of how policy...
Four things to consider to improve public revenues in the Global South: New findings from the Government Revenue Dataset
Kyle McNabb, Annalena Oppel
October 2023
Across the Global South, governments continue efforts to increase domestic revenues and capacity for public spending. As concerns over debt distress...
Working Paper
Fiscal policy, state building and economic development
This paper presents a synopsis of the contextual conditions, factors and challenges under which the recent evolution of tax systems has taken place over the past three decades. The paper gives especial emphasis to the role of natural endowments...
UNU-WIDER Winter School on tax policy research
UNU-WIDER is launching a Winter School on tax policy research. The aim of the course is to provide African researchers with an understanding of the theories, methods, and data availability for conducting high quality analysis on tax and development economics. The course will take place in two parts during the period 31 May - 16 July 2022. The deadline for applications is 18 March 2022 23:59 UTC+2.
Tools for effective tax administration
Janet Simbeye
September 2022
The importance of conducting high-quality analysis for policy advice cannot be understated. The UNU-WIDER Winter School for tax policy research...
Experiences from UNU-WIDER Winter School 2022: One of the best global training programmes in tax research
John Karangwa
September 2022
Across Africa, governments are now waking up to the fact that taxation targets or economic development goals will not be met without policies that are...
Lives can be improved when policymakers and researchers collaborate
Isabelle Beyera
September 2022
My motivation for doing economics research comes from the wish to see every human being have their basic needs met and enjoy their life. My interest...
UNU-WIDER supports learning at the Addis Tax Initiative regional workshop on tax expenditures
UNU-WIDER Research Fellow Amina Ebrahim joins the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) Asia regional follow-up technical meeting on tax expenditures in Kathmandu, Nepal as a presenter.
Tue, 7 May 2024
Thu, 9 May 2024
Hotel Yak & Yeti,
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal,
Past event
Project workshop
Workshop on the MicroZAMOD update in Zambia
Members of the International Labour Organization, Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR), UNU-WIDER's SOUTHMOD team, and the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZAMSTATS) meet in Livingstone, Zambia to further develop Zambia's tax and...
Mon, 27 May 2024
Thu, 30 May 2024
Protea Hotel,
Livingstone, Zambia,
Past event
Project meeting
Tanzania Revenue Authority visits UNU-WIDER headquarters
Over five days between 27–31 May, members of the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and contributing researchers to the Building up efficient and fair tax systems project meet with researchers at UNU-WIDER for practical sessions to finalize research...
Mon, 27 May 2024
Fri, 31 May 2024
Katajanokkanlaituri 6 B,
Helsinki, Finland,
Past event
Work-in-progress meeting on tax research collaboration in Zambia
On 22 May, UNU-WIDER researchers Kwabena Adu-Ababio and Jukka Pirttilä travel to Lusaka, Zambia to participate in a work-in-progress meeting with ZRA and ZIPAR.
Wed, 22 May 2024
Past event