Maureen Were presents at AERC workshop in Kenya

Maureen Were presents at AERC workshop in Kenya

Mon, 24 September 2018Tue, 25 September 2018

The final review workshop for the African Economic research Consortium (AERC) research project rethinking regional integration in Africa for inclusive and sustainable development took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 24-25 September.

Maureen Were, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow, presented her paper on ‘Competitiveness and Diversification of Services Export in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of EAC’. The paper is co-authored with Maureen Odongo from the Central Bank of Kenya.

The aim of the workshop was to review the framework papers commissioned by the AERC under the collaborative research project on rethinking regional integration in Africa for inclusive and sustainable development. Finalized papers will be published as a journal special issue or a book.