Third voice of social sciences international conference

Keynote and panel session by UNU-WIDER Director Finn Tarp

Third voice of social sciences international conference

Thu, 24 November 2016Fri, 25 November 2016

The University of Dar es Salaam organized on 24-25 November 2016 a two-day conference with the theme 'Industrialization and social transformation: what is the role of social sciences?'

Many developing countries embarked on industrialization strategies immediately after independence. However, five decades down the development trail, the industrial base in these countries has relatively remained weak and in some cases non-existing. 

It is against this background that the University of Dar es Salaam brought different scholars together in the Third voice of social sciences international conference to explore how existing and perceived policies can facilitate achieving positive social transformation in Tanzania.

UNU-WIDER Director Finn Tarp, delivered on the first day of the conference the keynote on Growth, Structural Transformation, and Development, which outlined the work currently been done by UNU-WIDER within the 2014-18 research programme. The presentation was particularly focused in the outcomes and take-away message of two large projects of the programme namely Growth and Poverty Project (GAPP) and Learning to Compete (L2C).

View and download Finn Tarp's keynote slides keynote presentation slides

After delivering the keynote, Professor Tarp participated in Panel session 1 on growth and poverty reduction. His presentation 'Growth and poverty: A pragmatic assessment and future prospects', discussed the question 'What is actually happening to monetary and non-monetary poverty in Tanzania?'. 

View and download Finn Tarp's panel session presentation slides