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EBA/UNU-WIDER study on democracy aid featured in Kehityslehti

The Finnish development magazine Kehitys has published an article on the effectiveness of democracy aid, citing research carried out by a team of researchers from UNU-WIDER.

The article discusses a study carried out by a team of researchers led by Miguel Niño-Zarazúan, who is a Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER. The report, titled Effects of Swedish and international democracy aid, was published by the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) in December 2020.

The article, published online on 17 March 2021, covers the key findings of the report, including:

  • The contribution of democracy aid to democracy is positive though relatively modest
  • No evidence found of aid having a negative impact on democratic governance
  • The modality of aid and the country context matter for the effectiveness of aid
  • The effects on democracy are stronger for aid that specifically targets the core building blocks of democracy — such as civil society, free and fair elections, media freedom and human rights

On addition to Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, the research team included Rachel M. Gisselquist, Ana Horigoshi, Melissa Samarin and Kunal Sen.

Kehitys focuses on development issues and is published by Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Read the full article here (in Finnish).