Working Paper
A Global Environmental Compact for Sustainable Development
The proposals in this paper derive from studies undertaken at WIDER on questions relating to sustainable development in developing countries. The paper attempts to quantify the resource transfer implications of supporting feasible environment...
Working Paper
A Contract Perspective on the International Finance Facility
The present paper is a first attempt to develop a theoretical model using a short-term vis-à-vis long-term contract framework within which donor countries’ endorsement or rejection decision towards the recently proposed International Finance Facility...
Working Paper
Determinants of State Fragility and Implications for Aid Allocation
This paper is derived from our ongoing research on fragile states funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to help policymakers and analysts make decisions on where and how to allocate aid, especially in fragile state...
Working Paper
Socioeconomic and cultural drivers of women’s formal work in rural Ghana
We study socioeconomic indicators of female labour force participation in off-farm formal employment in a subsistence agriculture setting in northern Ghana, where a new commercial farm provides a positive demand shock for low-skilled labour. We use a...
Working Paper
Decentralizing Aid with Interested Parties
This paper analyses the decentralization of decisionmaking in aid-giving in a theoretical rent-seeking framework. In this analysis the root donor establishes a necessary criterion for potential recipients: good governance. The potential recipients...
Working Paper
Applying Behavioural Economics to International Development Policy
Many development policies and programmes are premised on a traditional economic model of rationality to predict how individuals will respond to changes in incentives. Despite the emphasis of these programmes on poverty reduction, economists and the...
Working Paper
Armed group opportunism in the face of recent crises
Terrorist and other types of armed groups often exploit natural and human-made disasters and emergencies to advance their causes. This paper studies how some armed groups have responded to two recent global emergencies—climate change and the COVID-19...
Background Note
Behavioural experiments as an impactful tool in sustainable development
Introduction Only recently has the importance and potential of behavioural sciences been recognized as a critical tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This long-awaited recognition comes from the highest levels of the United...
Working Paper
Bilateral Donors' Aid Allocation Decisions
The present paper adds to the already large existing literature on aid distribution as it runs an equation on bilateral aid allocation on a very rich dataset, covering 20 years (1980-99), 22 donors and 137 recipients, which permits a three...
Working Paper
Arab-Related Bilateral and Multilateral Sources of Development Finance
This article analyses the organizational structure as well as the characteristics of development finance provided by Arab donor countries. This is done with a comparative view in relation to western donors and with the aim to develop recommendations...
Applying Behavioural Economics to Development Policy
Leigh Anderson, Kostas G. Stamoulis
by C. Leigh Anderson and Kostas Stamoulis Behavioural economics combines the insights of psychology and economics to better understand and predict...
Lessons from Behavioural Economics for Development Policy
23 April 2014 Jukka Pirttilä In conventional economic theory, agents are assumed to be able to make rational choices, unaffected by emotions and not...