Frequently asked questions - Government Revenue Dataset (GRD)
Q. What are the various options for accessing the GRD? The GRD can be accessed in several ways. The GRD Explorer presents the dataset in a user-friendly, intuitive online tool that allows users to visualize or download custom selections of the data...
Abrams M.E. Tagem delivers lecture at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
On Friday, 13 May 2022 9:00-10:30 (UTC+2), Abrams M.E. Tagem will deliver a lecture at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. The lecture, entitled "The Government Revenue Dataset," will be attended by audience is mostly...
Fri, 13 May 2022
Past event
What can the GRD do for policymakers?
Abrams M.E. Tagem
August 2022
A few months ago, I was asked to deliver a lecture at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies on the UNU-WIDER Government Revenue...
Working Paper
The dynamics of domestic revenue mobilization across four decades
We utilize the recently updated UNU-WIDER Government Revenue Dataset, which covers key indicators on tax and non-tax revenues for 196 countries since the 1980s, to study the dynamics of government revenue tax collection across selected periods from...
Technical Note
Government Revenue Dataset (2021): country notes
This technical note is the third in a series based on the UNU-WIDER Government Revenue Dataset (GRD). The preceding notes have described in detail the variables contained within the GRD and the source selection procedures. In this technical note, we...
The tortoise defeats the hare: Does moderate outlast rapid growth in domestic revenue?
Annalena Oppel, Kyle McNabb
February 2022
The past four decades have seen marked improvements in the collection of domestic revenue (tax and non-tax revenues) in many countries of the Global...
Technical Note
Government Revenue Dataset (2021): variable description
This technical note is part of a series of technical notes describing the construction of the Government Revenue Dataset (GRD). This document specifically focuses on the composition of variables in the GRD (version August 2021) and across the...
Social protection at a crossroad
Annalena Oppel
August 2021
How can we ensure a resilient and inclusive recovery from COVID-19? How can we hold on to the target of eradicating poverty and hunger by 2030, with...
Technical Note
Government Revenue Dataset (2021): source selection
This technical note is part of a series of technical notes describing the construction of the Government Revenue Dataset (GRD). We provide an overview of the underlying sources in the GRD and the criteria used in order to select data from them. In...