In the media
LDC Future Forum and UNU-WIDER research mentioned in several media outlets

UNU-WIDER was one of the organizers of the LDC Future Forum conference on Least Developed Countries in October 2021 in Helsinki, together with UN-OHRLLS and SDSN. During and after the conference UNU-WIDER research work related to LDCs was highlighted in the Finnish newspaper Turun Sanomat, on the website of the Finnish Foreign Ministry, on the OECD Development Matters blog, and on the UN Capital Development Fund podcast.

An opinion piece by the Finnish Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari and UNU-WIDER Director Kunal Sen was published on Turun Sanomat 6 October 2021. In the opinion piece Skinnari and Sen remind that 'even though the situation of Afghanistan has drawn a picture of a poor, conflict-prone, doomed country this does not have to be the case. We have examples of several countries able to rise out of poverty, despite conflicts, climate challenges, or large population'. Read the whole text (translated from Finnish)

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland published an article on their website, discussing a research paper authored by UNU-WIDER Research Fellow Eva-Maria Egger and her colleagues, on connectivity and reducing gender gaps in off-farm employment in 12 developing countries. The study was introduced at the LDC Future Forum. The findings of the study indicate that while connections and networks bring minimal benefit to women in Asia, they are very helpful for non-agricultural employment especially in rural Africa and in Latin American cities. Read the whole article

UNU-WIDER's work in and with the Least Developed Countries is highlighted in an OECD Development Matters blog written by Kunal Sen, 'How can research help Least Developed Countries achieve sustainable development?'. The blog shares examples of the collaboration within UNU-WIDER's country programmes in Mozambique and Tanzania. Read the blog

Following the OECD Development Matters blog, Kunal Sen was invited to the UN Capital Development Fund podcast 'Capital Musings', to talk about the role of research in changing lives. Listen the podcast

A WIDER Angle blog, based on Kunal Sen's opening speech at the LDC Future Forum, discusses the five major challenges the LDCs are facing, and four suggestions to tackle them. Read the blog